Thursday, November 4, 2010


We have the general concept and impression of what an image is. Is an image flat or is there more to the idea of what an photograph is? It is my opinion their is more to this concept of what makes an image. I feel that the viewer needs to focus on subject matter, the process of making a photograph, how the image is constructed, and the space around the image. These ideas help to create this concept and the idea an image is.

These ideas are the main stay and focus to my work. In this way it leads me though a body of work that began with my use of two dimensional photographs to create a three dimensional image. While working with this process and trying to stay within the confines of photographic realism of the artwork. In a way this creates an image that is more two and half dimensions in nature. Now these images force the viewer to re-evaluate their perception of space. This expands the image from a two dimensional plain to a space around the image. Interlocking the space and idea into one concept, in which we can classify as an image. With out this I strongly believe that the focus and meaning is lost to the viewer.

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